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- Brent Dean Robbins
- Editorial
- Craig Holdrege
- Editorial
- Paul Ricoeur and Sorin Antohi
- Memory, History, Forgiveness: A Dialogue Between Paul Ricoeur and Sorin Antohi
- Craig Holdrege
- Doing Goethean Science
- Daniel C. Wahl
- “Zartre Empirie”: Goethean Science as a Way of Knowing
- Brent Dean Robbins
- New Organs of Perception: Goethean Science as a Cultural Therapeutics
- John Shotter
- Goethe and the Refiguring of Intellectual Inquiry: From ‘Aboutness’-Thinking to ‘Withness’- Thinking in Everyday Life
- Eva-Maria Simms
- Goethe, Husserl, and the Crisis of the European Sciences
- John Cameron
- Place, Goethe and Phenomenology
- Dennis L. Sepper
- Goethe and the Poetics of Science
- Christina Root
- The Proteus Within: Thoreau’s Practice of Goethe’s Phenomenology
- Malte C. Ebach
- Anschauung and the Archetype: The Role of Goethe’s Delicate Empiricism in Comparative Biology
- Maura C. Flannery
- Goethe and the Molecular Aesthetic
- Bill Bywater
- Goethe: A Science Which Does Not Eat the Other
- Allan Kaplan
- Emerging Out of Goethe: Conversation as a Form of Social Inquiry
- Andrei Codrescu
- Casanova Meets Goethe: An excerpt from the novel, Casanova in Bohemia
- Robert Bly
- Two poems
- Pattiann Rogers
- Four poems
- Andrei Codrescu
- Visitors
- Richard Hoffman
- Three poems
- Martin Steingesser
- Meditation
- Sarah Biggs
- The Whore, or a Bull
- Elizabeth Bradfield
- Three poems
- Annie Seikonia
- Budapest
- Bin Bin (translated by Ouyang Yu)
- Three poems
- Malte C. Ebach
- Anschauung
- Kenneth Rosen
- Heart of Earth
- Reviewer: Donald L. Turner
- Philosophy of the Animal
Review of Animal Philosophy: Ethics and Identity
Edited by Peter Atterton & Matthew Calarco
- Reviewer: Andrew Feldmar
- Deleuze’s Catch After His Surrender to Bacon
Review of Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation
by Gilles Deleuze
- Reviewer: Bryan R. Farrow
- The Will to Murder
Review of The Nature of Truth
by Sergio Troncoso
- Reviewer: Brent Dean Robbins
- Taking Bataille Seriously
Review of The Sunday of the Negative: Reading Bataille Reading Hegel
by Christopher M. Gemerchak
- Reviewer: Kimberly Brown
- In Borges’ Shadow
Review of The Lesson of the Master
by Norman Thomas Di Giovanni
- Reviewer: Stuart Elden
- Specifying Badiou
Review of Badiou: A Subject to Truth
by Peter Hallward
- Reviewer: Claudette Kulkarni
- Finding Their Voices: Philosophy as a Way of Life
Review of Singing in the Fire: Stories of Women in Philosophy
Edited by Linda Martin Alcoff
- Reviewer: James McLachlan
- Bergson’s Challenge to Phenomenology, Ontology and Ethics
Review of The Challenge of Bergsonism
by Leonard Lawlor
- Reviewer: Steven A. Benko
- Exposure to the Posthuman Other
Review of Avatar Bodies: A Trantra for Posthumanism
by Ann Weinstone
- Reviewer: Ivy Cooper
- Historical Relapse, False Memory, and Other Oddities in the Time-Space Continuum
Review of Deja Vu: Abberations of Cultural Memory
by Peter Krapp
- Reviewer: Elizabeth McCardell
- The Embrace of Paradox for the Healing of Humankind
Review of Dimensions of Apeiron: A Topological Phenomenology of Space, Time, and Individuation
by Steven M. Rosen
- Reviewer: Louis Hoffman
- Beyond the Narrative View of Life-History
Review of The Wild-Region in Life History
by Laszlo Tengelyi (translated by Geza Kallay)
- Reviewer: Brian Caterino
- The Objects of Scientific Desire
Review of The Objects of Social Science
by Eleonora Montuschi
- Reviewer: C. Oscar Jacob
- Fact or Fiction
Review of Jewish Philosophy: An Historical Introduction
by Norbert M. Samuelson
- Syrie Kovitz
- Photography

- Brad Fuller
- Photography